Admiral Perry said “We have met the enemy and they are ours”, 1813
Battle of Lake Erie, 1813
Mountain Meadows Massacre (Mormons attacked Gentile wagon train), 1857
Huey Long, Louisiana governor, died, 1935
First cargo from Plymouth shipped back to England (lumber and furs), 1623
Simon Bolivar named president of Peru, 1823
Mildred Gillars (a.k.a. “Axis Sally”) indicted in Washington DC, 1948
Sewing machine patent granted (Elias Howe), 1846
First nondenominational college chartered (Blount College, Tennessee), 1794
Joseph Story, US Supreme Court Justice, died, 1845
Douglas Fairbanks Sr made his professional debut (“The Duke’s Jester”), 1900
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, English writer, died, 1797
Twenty black students entered schools in Alabama after a standoff between federal authorities and Governor Wallace, 1963
Letitia Christian Tyler, first wife of John Tyler, died, 1842