Adolphe Sax (Antoine Joseph Sax), saxophone inventor, died, 1894
Soyuz 24 (Russian) launched, 1977
Two US astronauts performed the first untethered space walk, 1984
British railroads nationalized, 1940
Nine year old boy arrested in $100 bank robbery with toy gun, 1981
Shoe rationing announced in US, 1943
The Beatles arrived in New York to start their first US tour, 1964
Grenada won independence from Britain, 1974
Jean-Claude Duvalier, Haiti’s President-for-Life, fled Haiti, 1986
American Guernsey Cattle Club organized, 1877
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, US Army Chief of Staff, resigned, 1948
Fire in Baltimore (> 1500 buildings destroyed), 1904
Autherine Lucy, first black admitted to University of Alabama, expelled, 1956
Harvey Samuel Firestone, US industrialist, died, 1938
Ann Ward Radcliffe, English novelist (“The Romance of the Forest”), died, 1823
First digitally recorded rock album (Steven Stills), 1979
Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s first meeting (E.S. Holden president), 1889
Daniel Boone captured by Indians (Blue Licks, Kentucky), 1778
The Soviet Union’s Communist Party agreed to competition from alternative political parties, 1990
First US ballet company debuted (Bowery Theater, New York), 1827