Lou Henry Hoover, wife of Herbert Hoover, died, 1944
DDT banned in US, 1971
US postage raised to $.05 for first class letters, 1963
Siege of Bataan began, 1942
Britain introduced the world’s first income tax, 1798
The Globetrotters debuted, 1927
First photograph of genes announced (Los Angeles), 1949
First typewriter patented, 1714
First three satellites of Jupiter discovered (Galileo), 1610
Surveyor VII landed on moon, 1968
Dr. William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson married, 1971
Hirohito, Japanese Emperor, died, 1989
Bobby Fischer captured the US chess championship (14 years old), 1958
John Berryman, poet, killed himself, 1972
Len Zinberg (a.k.a. Ed Lacy), author (“Room to Swing”), died, 1968
First passage through the Panama Canal, 1914
First seed supply business established in US (David Landreth, Philadelphia), 1784
University of Glasgow founded in Scotland, 1450
Daguerrotype photographic process presented to the French Academy of Science, 1839
First balloon flight across English channel, 1785
First black singer performed at Metropolitan Opera in New York (Marian Anderson), 1955
First nationwide US presidential election held, 1789