The Daily News | February 2

Leaded gasoline first commercially available, 1923
Buenos Aires founded, 1536
Valery Nicolas Larbaud, French novelist, died, 1957
Battle of Stalingrad ended, 1943
First person to ole vault 16 feet (John Uelses), 1962
Idi Amin assumed power in Uganda, 1971
Wendell Phillips, American women’s suffrage leader, died, 1884
Buddy Holly’s last performance, 1959
William Desmond Taylor, movie director, found shot to death, 1922
Last wartime automobile produced, 1942
George Walton, Signer of US Declaration of Independence, died, 1804
Fort Ross, California established, 1811
Frederick Law parachuted from the Statue of Liberty’s torch, 1912
Grand Central Terminal opened (New York), 1912
Hitler ordered dissolution of the Reichstag (German Parliament), 1933
US revoked bilingual teaching regulations, 1981
Mexico ceded Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to the US, 1848
Boris Karloff (William Pratt), actor, died, 1969
Dogsled teams reached Nome, Alaska with serum for diphtheria epidemic, 1925
Bertrand Russell, English philosopher, died, 1970