The Daily News | November 4

Winooski River, Vermont flooded (84 killed), 1927
Mary Martin died, 1990
Iranian militants seized US embassy in Teheran, 1979
Wilfred Owen, British poet, killed, 1918
First air-conditioned automobile exhibited (Chicago), 1939
First wagon train reached California, 1841
Entrance to King Tut’s tomb discovered (Howard Carter), 1922
Cash Register patented (James Ritty), 1879
Heresy made punishable by death in Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1646
George Peabody, US philanthropist, died, 1869
Soviet forces crushed the anti-communist revolution in Hungary, 1956
Ronald Reagan elected 40th US president, 1980
UNIVAC I program predicted Eisenhower victory based on 7% of votes, 1952
Gatling gun patented (Richard J. Gatling), 1862