Parcel post postage-due one-cent stamp issued, 1912
Portland gale, Cape Cod, 1898
Eugene Gladstone O’Neill, US playwright, died, 1953
Soyuz T-3 (USSR) launched, 1980
Alexandre Dumas (Dumas Fils), French novelist, died, 1895
Albanian National Flag adopted, 1912
Lloyd Bentsen, Texas Senator, married Beryl Longino, 1943
Mars 2 (USSR) entered Mars orbit, 1971
Assassination attempt against Pope Paul VI (Manila), 1970
Kellogg received the Nobel Prize, 1930
Washington Redskins and New York Giants scored 113 points, 1966
Friction match invented (England), 1826
Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed (Northwester Massachusetts), 1873
First Army War College authorized, 1901
General George Marshall named Truman’s special representative to China, 1945
Alfred Nobel established Nobel Prize, 1895
Rev. Francis Gastrell indicted for cutting down a tree planted by Shakespeare, 1759
First Crusade preached (Pope Urban II), 1095