The Daily News | November 25

Thomas Andrews Hendricks, 21st US vice president, died, 1885
KKK revived in Atlanta, 1915
“Buffalo Bill, the King of the Border Men” serialized, 1869
John F. Kennedy buried, 1963
Upton (Beall) Sinclair, novelist (“The Jungle”), died, 1968
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, 1867
Yukio Mishima, Japanese novelist, commited ritual suicide, 1970
Diego Rivera, Mexican painter, died, 1957
Johann Strauss, Jr wrote “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”, 1867
“The Mousetrap” opened (London), 1952
American College of Surgeons incorporated (Springfield, Illinois), 1912
Evaporated milk patented (J.B. Myenberg), 1884
O.J. Simpson gained 273 yards for Buffalo Bills vs. Detroit Lions, 1976
Germ warfare stockpiles ordered destroyed, 1969
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, “The King of Tap Dancers,” died, 1949
Orion Nebula discovered (Nicholas Peiresc), 1611
D.B. Cooper parachuted from a 727 in Washington with hijacking ransom, 1971
Treaty ending the Revolutionary War signed, 1783
Presidential order requiring a national 55 miles per hour speed limit, 1973
Fort Duquesne captured and renamed Pittsburgh, 1758
Booth brothers (John Wilkes, Edwin, and Junius) appeared together on stage, 1864
The first automobile race in America took place, 1895
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, US’s first professional architect, left England for US, 1795
Charles Stillwell, inventor of the grocery bag, died, 1919