“Lady in the Lake” (movie version) released, 1947
Paul Robeson died, 1976
Phillips Brooks, US clergyman and composer, died, 1893
Samuel Barber died, 1981
First US Catholic college established (Georgetown), 1789
First radio rescue at sea, 1909
First interracial hospital (Provident Hospital, Chicago), 1891
“After the Fall” opened, 1964
First US female physician earned MD (Elizabeth Blackwell), 1849
James Beard, food expert, died, 1985
Dutch government refused to hand over the ex-kaiser of Germany, 1920
Kim Philby, Soviet spy, defected, 1962
Alexander Woollcott, drama critic, died during a radio broadcast, 1943
“Roots” began its TV broadcast, 1977
24th Amendment to US Constitution (eliminating poll tax) ratified, 1964
“Barney Miller” premiered on ABC, 1975
Edward Rutledge, signer of the US Declaration of Independence, died, 1800
William Pitt, British statesman, died, 1806
Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell), British author (“1984”), died, 1950
Anna Pavlova, Russian ballerina, died, 1931
Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin’s “Lady in the Dark” opened on Broadway, 1941
Salvador Dali, surrealist artist, died, 1988
Richard Nixon announced fighting in Vietnam would end midnight January 27th, 1973
USS Pueblo seized by North Korean forces, 1968
Dr, Brendan Leahey, performed the first successful corneal transplant, died, 1992
Bjorn Borg retired from tennis competition, 1983