Barbara Stanwyck (Ruby Stevens), actress, died, 1990
Muppets created, 1956
“Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman” released, 1944
US ultimatum to Chile, 1892
First player ejected from the Australian Open (John McEnroe), 1990
“The Fat Man” premiered on ABC, 1946
George Washington Goethals, US engineer and Army officer, died, 1928
First Kiwanis Club chartered (Detroit), 1915
First gas-turbine automobile publicly introduced (New York City), 1954
Vietnam War-era draft evaders pardoned, 1977
New York City banned women from smoking in public or private places, 1908
Louis XVI, French King, executed (Paris), 1793
Joseph Justus Scaliger, French inventor of “Julian Period”, died, 1609
Cecil Blount de Mille, movie producer, died, 1959
First US novel published (“The Power of Sympathy; or, The Triumph of Nature”), 1789
Jefferson Davis, Mississippi Senator, resigned, 1861